In her thought-provoking article, Treasure in Broken Sentences, Anjali Dutta, currently the Vice President at Tech Mahindra, delves into the essence of leadership in...
Srijit Menon has been named Chief Revenue Officer at Movate, where he will lead the company’s efforts to expand its Digital Services business. His...
In an exclusive interview with CXO Lanes, Dr. Mohan Kaul, Ex-Dean of IIM-A and currently President of the India Partnership Forum (IPF), delves into...
Belson Coutinho has been appointed as the Chief Operating Officer at Akasa Air, a move that highlights the airline’s commitment to operational excellence as...
Sayid Shabeer has been appointed as the Chief Product Officer at Onbe, where he will spearhead efforts to modernize the business-to-person payments sector. Reporting...