Leading with Empathy: The Career Trajectory of Mansi Kampani, CHRO at Encube Ethicals

Mansi Kampani is a dynamic and accomplished Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) with over a decade of experience in the field. Currently serving at Encube Ethicals Pvt Ltd, Mansi is renowned for her expertise in talent management, employee engagement, and training & development. With a post-graduation in Human Resource Management from King’s College London, she has demonstrated exceptional leadership and analytical skills throughout her career. Mansi’s journey reflects a commitment to excellence in driving organizational success through effective HR strategies. Her contributions to the field continue to inspire professionals and organizations alike.

Mansi Kampani , Chief Human Resource Officer at Encube Ethicals.

Let’s start by discussing your early life and career. Could you share some career-defining moments with us?

Mansi Kampani:
In reflecting on my early life and career journey, I recall pivotal moments that have shaped my professional trajectory and molded me into the leader I am today. Born and raised in Mumbai, my educational journey led me to NMIMS University, where I pursued a BBA degree before embarking on a transformative chapter at King’s College London, where I delved into the intricacies of Human Resource and Organizational Analysis through post-graduation studies.

One of the defining experiences of my career unfolded during my internship at the Natural History Museum in London. Immersed in the rich tapestry of a government organization, I embarked on a project centered around diversity and inclusion—an endeavor that broadened my perspective on inclusivity beyond the conventional realms of gender diversity. Witnessing the myriad facets of diversity, including challenges related to race, locality, and gender, was eye-opening and profoundly impactful. This experience not only equipped me with invaluable insights but also laid the foundation for my approach to fostering inclusive workplaces in the years to come.

Upon returning to India, I embarked on a new chapter at Mercer India, where I assumed the role of a data analyst in the global mobility department—a departure from my previous corporate HR roles. This transition marked a significant shift, thrusting me into the realm of consultancy and client-facing work. Amidst the challenges and complexities of this new role, I encountered a pivotal moment that underscored the importance of effective communication and feedback.

A particular incident stands out vividly—a disagreement with a colleague over a project, culminating in a hastily composed email expressing my frustrations. Seeking solace and advice, I turned to my sister, only to receive a gentle reprimand and a valuable lesson in communication. Her candid feedback prompted me to initiate a direct conversation with my colleague, leading to a resolution and imparting a profound realization—that transparent and open communication is paramount, even in the face of conflict.

What motivated your transition to CHRO at Encube Ethicals in 2020, and how has your journey been since?

Mansi Kampani:The transition to the role of CHRO at Encube Ethicals in 2020 was a culmination of a journey I had envisioned since my formative years. From the age of 18 or 19, while navigating through internships and academic pursuits, I harbored a deep-seated ambition to emerge as a leading figure in the field of HR. This aspiration was ingrained within me, a constant presence shaping my career trajectory.

While I hadn’t anticipated the opportunity to materialize so early in my career, I am profoundly grateful for the path that led me to this pivotal moment. Undoubtedly, hard work played a pivotal role in realizing this goal. However, it was also a testament to my willingness to seize every opportunity that came my way, irrespective of its nature—be it internships, paid or unpaid, or engaging in tasks that others might perceive as mundane.

Throughout my journey, I remained steadfast in my commitment to the development of the organizations I served, alongside my dedication to the HR domain. Whether it involved sourcing candidates or spearheading initiatives to enhance organizational culture and effectiveness, my focus remained unwavering. The transition to the CHRO role, therefore, symbolized more than just a change in title—it was a continuation of the mission I had embraced from the outset to drive growth and excellence within the organization.

As I embark on this new chapter, I carry forward a singular vision—to serve as a beacon of HR excellence and a brand ambassador for Encube Ethicals. This entails not only implementing best practices but also fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

What are your thoughts on women being typecast to fit the role of CHRO compared to other C-level executive positions? According to data, less than 30% of women worldwide hold C-level positions, and over 50% of them are CHROs.

Mansi Kampani:
The association of women with the role of CHRO, as opposed to other C-level executive positions, is a reflection of societal conditioning and stereotypes rather than inherent traits. There is a prevalent misconception that women are naturally more empathetic and nurturing, making them better suited for HR roles. Conversely, men are often perceived as being more assertive and dominant, qualities typically associated with leadership roles outside of HR.

However, it’s essential to recognize that these perceptions are rooted in outdated gender norms and biases. While it’s true that empathy and emotional intelligence are vital attributes for HR professionals, they are not exclusive to women. Similarly, qualities like decisiveness and strategic thinking, often associated with other C-suite roles, are not limited to men.

In my experience, I have seen a shift towards a more inclusive and balanced approach to leadership across various industries. While women continue to make up a significant portion of CHRO positions, there is a growing recognition of the need for diverse perspectives and skill sets at all levels of leadership.

Moreover, as organizations evolve and adapt to changing demographics and workforce dynamics, the traditional distinctions between roles are becoming increasingly blurred. In today’s interconnected and fast-paced business environment, every leader, regardless of gender or title, must possess a range of skills, including empathy, communication, and adaptability.

Aspiring leaders, regardless of gender, should focus on developing their strengths and passions rather than conforming to outdated stereotypes. By embracing opportunities for growth and learning, individuals can carve out unique career paths that align with their talents and aspirations.

Let’s discuss the Bottom-Up approach in performance management. Could you briefly explain this approach and how it has helped Encube Ethicals grow better?

Mansi Kampani:
The Bottom-Up approach in performance management is a strategic shift from the traditional top-down approach, aiming to foster a more inclusive and collaborative work environment. At Encube Ethicals, we recognized the need to align our performance management practices with the psychology of human behavior, ensuring that every employee feels valued and motivated to contribute towards the company’s goals.

Instead of simply dictating goals to employees, we involved them in the goal-setting process, soliciting their input and feedback. This approach not only empowers employees to take ownership of their goals but also enhances their sense of accountability and commitment to achieving organizational objectives.

The process begins with the collective establishment of company objectives, involving input from top leaders across the organization. Once these objectives are defined, they are communicated to teams, and employees are encouraged to provide their insights on how best to achieve them. This collaborative approach ensures that goals are realistic, achievable, and aligned with the collective vision of the organization.

Each team then works together to refine these objectives further, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) and action plans to achieve them. This process encourages open communication, fosters teamwork, and promotes a culture of continuous improvement.

By involving employees in the goal-setting process, we ensure that everyone understands their role in contributing to the organization’s success. This sense of ownership not only enhances employee engagement but also drives innovation and creativity.

Since implementing the Bottom-Up approach at Encube Ethicals, we have witnessed a significant improvement in performance and employee morale. Employees feel more empowered and motivated to contribute their best efforts, knowing that their voices are heard and their contributions valued.

Now lets discuss about the strategies that you have found most effective in implementing performance review process.

Mansi Kampani:
The most effective strategy we have found in implementing the performance review process at Encube Ethicals revolves around two key pillars: the Bottom-Up approach and the emphasis on feedback.

Firstly, the Bottom-Up approach has been instrumental in reshaping our performance review process. By involving employees in the goal-setting process and soliciting their input, we ensure that goals are realistic, attainable, and aligned with both individual aspirations and organizational objectives. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among employees, as they actively participate in defining their goals and action plans.

Secondly, feedback plays a crucial role in our performance review process. During performance discussions, managers provide constructive feedback to employees, helping them understand their strengths, areas for improvement, and how their performance aligns with organizational goals. This feedback is essential for fostering growth, development, and continuous improvement among employees.

Additionally, setting up regular meetings and encouraging open communication channels are essential components of our performance review process. These meetings provide an opportunity for managers and employees to discuss progress, address challenges, and align on expectations. By fostering a culture of open communication and transparency, we create a supportive environment where employees feel valued, heard, and motivated to perform at their best.

Could you share some practices you have in place to encourage continuous feedback from employees?

Mansi Kampani:
At Encube Ethicals, fostering a culture of continuous feedback is paramount to our organizational ethos. Central to this is our commitment to transparency and open communication. We’ve established an open-door policy at all levels of the company, ensuring that employees feel empowered to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas without hesitation. This culture of openness cultivates trust and collaboration, laying the foundation for constructive feedback exchanges.

Regular catch-up meetings serve as structured forums for discussing progress, addressing concerns, and soliciting feedback. These meetings, including weekly sessions with my team, provide valuable opportunities for open dialogue and collaboration. Additionally, our formal mid-year reviews ensure that feedback is integrated into our performance management practices, enabling us to set meaningful goals and identify development opportunities.

Recognizing the value of diverse perspectives, we encourage employees to seek feedback from their peers and team members. Peer feedback enriches our understanding of performance and fosters a culture of continuous improvement. Overall, our unwavering commitment to transparency, empathy, and open communication ensures that feedback is not only welcomed but also embraced as a catalyst for growth and success within our organization.

What advice would you give to aspiring HR professionals aiming to reach the top like yourself?

Mansi Kampani:
To aspiring HR professionals looking to climb the ranks, I would offer a few key pieces of advice based on my own experiences. Firstly, it’s crucial to recognize that not every battle is yours to fight. In HR, navigating issues effectively requires understanding when to intervene and when to delegate. Mastering the art of delegation is essential for maintaining focus on strategic priorities while effectively addressing people-centric challenges.

Secondly, never underestimate the value of any task that comes your way. Even seemingly mundane or routine responsibilities, such as filing paperwork, can have significant importance in the grand scheme of things. Embrace every opportunity to contribute, as each experience offers valuable lessons and insights that contribute to your professional growth.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to seek help when needed. As HR professionals, we often serve as the frontline for addressing employee concerns and maintaining organizational balance. However, it’s essential to recognize when you require support and guidance. Being vulnerable and acknowledging your limitations fosters a culture of continuous learning and development. Remember, understanding your own strengths and weaknesses enables you to effectively leverage resources and expertise when necessary.

Lastly, outside your professional life, what do you do to unwind and stay motivated? And who is your role model ?

Mansi Kampani :
Outside of my professional life, I find relaxation and motivation through various activities. One of my passions is singing, and I regularly attend singing classes, focusing on semi-classical and Bollywood genres. Music has a unique ability to recharge me and uplift my spirits. Additionally, I enjoy unwinding by watching movies and spending quality time with my family and friends. These moments of leisure are essential for rejuvenating myself and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Encouraging others to take breaks and prioritize self-care is something I believe strongly in, as it contributes significantly to overall well-being and productivity.

As for role models in the industry, one person I deeply admire is Miss Leena Nair. Her journey from CHRO to CEO serves as a testament to her exceptional leadership and strategic acumen. She embodies the true essence of a business partner and serves as an inspiration to all aspiring professionals, not just in HR but across various domains. Learning from her experiences and insights provides invaluable guidance and motivation for me in my own career journey. She has undoubtedly earned her place as a prominent figure in the HR landscape, and I greatly respect her contributions and accomplishments.


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