Zenvo Automotive, the renowned Danish supercar manufacturer, has announced the appointment of Jon Gunner as its new Chief Technical Officer (CTO). This strategic move...
Capri Global Capital, a leading non-banking financial company, has named Tarun Aggarwal as its new Group Chief Technology Officer. This strategic appointment underscores Capri...
GreenEarthX is pleased to announce the appointment of Meher Afroz as the new Chief Technology Officer. Meher joins GreenEarth after an illustrious career at...
HealthPresso, a pioneering digital platform transforming health content for healthcare professionals, has announced the appointment of Manuj Sanduja as Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer...
Aston Martin has officially announced the appointment of Enrico Cardile as Chief Technical Officer, following his departure from Ferrari. Cardile, who served as Ferrari's...